25 Mind-Blowing Marketing Strategies That You Can Do NOW!

  • Create or update your webpage –If you don’t have a web presence, get one now. If your webpage isn’t effective, then hire a professional who can add powerful content that assures people find your page,
  • Create a marketing plan for the whole year – Don’t use a hit or miss approach to your marketing. Make a consistent week by week plan and follow-through.
  • Start a blog –This can change your image from an anonymous company, to a real person. Put a picture of yourself on the blog and write consistent posts with helpful information for your customers.
  • Focus your niche –Find a segment of your market that’s not being serviced and create the product or service they need.
  • Offer an incentive for referrals – Create a bonus or discount for your current customers when they refer a friend or business associate.
  • Set up a Twitter or LinkedIn or Facebook account – These sites can be great to build your client or “friend” list and let them know of exciting events happening in your business
  • Write articles – Show that you’re an expert in your fieldby writing helpful articles about your industry. Always add your website name in the author box at the end of your articles.
  • Outsource mundane everyday tasks so you can create and implement your new marketing strategies. Don’t spend your day invoicing customers or filing when you could be writing business pulling emails or talking with clients.
  • Hold a contest – People love to win prizes. Offer a prize for anyone who comes up with a name for your new product or sends you the most referrals.
  • Add testimonials to all your material – You can never overestimate the impact of strong testimonials.
  • Say “Thank You” to all your current customers – Offer them an incentive or discount for additional products or services. You might want to start a customer loyalty program. If they buy 5 massages they get on free, etc.
  • Improve your SEO to make sure the right people can find your webpage – You need to know you’re using the best search engine keywords and techniques so your page is found by the customers who need you.
  •  Set up a domain name that includes your business name or main business purpose – You can forward it to your current domain.
  • Create a new product or service based on customer feed back – It’s amazing how many companies refuse to listen to their customers. Don’t be one of them. If you’ve had several people comment that they’d love to have a widget in pink instead of black, then create one. And make a big deal about the new product launch.
  • Offer a payment plan for your high priced items – Not everyone can afford a big upfront fee. But if you spread it out over several months you can reach a new level of clientele.
  • Adopt a charity – This works especially well if you’re a local business supporting a local charity. It shows you contribute to the community and that your goal is to “give back” not just “take”.
  • Add video to your webpage – Not everyone enjoys reading. This generation grew up watching television and playing video games. Sometimes presenting your information as a video helps you reach a new age group or explain something in a more understandable way.
  • Hold a holiday party for the community – Halloween or 4th of July are perfect for local events. Or something to honor Mom’s and Dad’s on Mother’s or Father’s Day. Or you could celebrate Earth Day or National Library Week. If you can show that your company supports literacy for children in your community you’ll win local support.
  • Hire a copywriter who knows what they’re doing – All your printed material and your webpage content will work better if they’re written by someone who knows how to write persuasively.
  • Rent a booth at a local festival – Instead of always waiting for people to come to you, find a local festival or trade show and take your company to them. Make sure you have something at your booth to hold their attention and a give-a-away that they’ll want to keep. (With your contact information, of course.)
  • Write a How-to book that you give away – It should teach your customers how to do something useful, and have your name and information on the back in case they need further help or need to buy supplies, etc. It can be a print book or an eBook they download from your webpage. This is a good way to gain emails address for your list.
  • Teach a class or give speeches – A lot of clubs like the Rotary Club or church senior groups are always looking for guest speakers. Make sure your speech is fun as well as informative. Don’t drag on too long and bore everyone. Junior colleges with continuing education can be a great place to teach a class regarding your industry, too.
  • Have someone write a version of your webpage in another language and have them available to answer emails. This can broaden your market to entirely new countries.
  • Accept competitor’s coupons – Depending on your type of business, this can be a way to use your competitors advertising dollars to help your business.
  •  Hire a copywriter who knows what they’re doing – All your printed material and your webpage content will work better if they’re written by someone who knows how to write persuasively.
  • Send out a ton of press releases every time you do one of the above!

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